Tuesday 4 March 2014

My Vision for Nigeria in the next Century.

As Federal government and 'some' Nigerians warp up activities marking the centenary celebration of Nigeria's existence, I thought it imminent to share my vision for our dear country as we journey into the next century. It is important to point out that most Nigerians seem not to have participated or even see the need for this jamboree called centenary celebrations. Many question the rationale, especially as Boko Haram had just wasted the lives of innocent students and cut short dreams of many in several attacks in the North Eastern part of the country. Others argue that the nation has nothing to show for the 100 hundred years she has been in existence as she still battle  to provide basic amenities to her teeming citizens irrespective of the abundant wealth at her disposal. In all honesty, I share in their disappointments. Some still believe and argue that the amalgamation treaty that gave birth to Nigeria was a mistake and should not have been as the  people's opinion was  not sort for before the unholy matrimony. no matter the view you hold, the fact remains that Nigeria is 100 years as per existence and our problems not withstanding, we as citizens must not lose hope but work towards the Nigeria of our dreams.
In that light, I will want to share my vision of what I want Nigeria to be  as we take a leap into the next century. I dream of a Nigeria where there will be unity, peace, freedom in all ramification and equal right. A country where people will not be judged based on their state, tribe, colour, religion or even societal status.  I have a dream of a nation where all citizens are free to live anywhere he or she wants without fear of molestation and discrimination. I dream of a Nigeria where the citizens know their rights and demand for them in the interest of the country. A country where the citizens will demand for accountability from their leaders and not defend them because of religious or ethnic sentiments. A country where the opportunities available will be thrown open to all and competed for and not reserved to the privileged few at the detriment of the poor and the defenseless. In which opportunities available in all sectors of our lives will be offered to the best qualified and not shared to the high and mighty may be based on godfather-ism /nepotism, ethnicity, financial status and family or business affiliations. I dream of a country where my children and I will call their own and love at all cost. A land where corruption and social injustice will be a thing of the past, where resources are evenly distributed among the citizens. a nation of disciplined citizens, courageous and determined leaders who will not break laws at reckless abandon.
If you share my dream and probably want a better Nigeria, then it is time we work towards it. Learn to do the right thing, shun injustice, bribery and corruption. It all starts from us, get engaged in the electoral system and make frantic effort towards electing a credible leader who will deliver. The leaders we blame today were once followers, if we as followers do the right things, the chance that we will have a compassionate and focused leader is high. when we get a bad one, we owe it to our country and to one another to rise up and demand for accountability and reject such leader in the next elections or even recall or impeach them. It all starts from you and I. God bless Nigeria and Nigerians.